Blue Sky Drugs

Creon (Pancreatic Enzymes (Lipase, Protease, Amylase))

Creon Micro Granules 20gmBGP Pharma/MylanCanada 1$79.99
Creon CapsuleBGP Pharma/MylanCanada10100$55.99
Creon CapsuleBGP Pharma/MylanCanada10200$105.99
Creon CapsuleBGP Pharma/MylanCanada10300$142.99
Creon CapsuleBGP Pharma/MylanCanada25100$139.99
Creon CapsuleBGP Pharma/MylanCanada25200$264.99
Creon CapsuleBGP Pharma/MylanCanada25300$357.99
Creon CapsuleBGP Pharma/MylanCanada35100$194.99
Creon CapsuleBGP Pharma/MylanCanada35200$369.99
Creon CapsuleBGP Pharma/MylanCanada35300$499.99
  • Information
  • Side Effects
Creon is a combination of three enzymes (proteins): lipase, protease, and amylase. These enzymes are normally produced by the pancreas and are important in the digestion of fats, proteins, and sugars.

Creon is used to replace these enzymes when the body does not have enough of its own. Certain medical conditions can cause this lack of enzymes, including cystic fibrosis, chronic inflammation of the pancreas, or blockage of the pancreatic ducts.

All prices are in US dollars.

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Prescriptions Dispensed from Canada are Dispensed by Candrug Pharmacy #18985. 202A 8322-130th Street, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada V3W 8J9, 604-543-8711. Pharmacy Manager: Carol Hou. This pharmacy is duly licensed in the province of British Columbia, Canada by the College of Pharmacists of BC. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact the college at: 200-1765 West 8th Ave Vancouver, BC V6J 5C6 Canada.
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